Monday, December 23, 2019

The Party With Punch


Today the PPC takes the rest of the year off to enjoy the holidays--
we'll see you back here in 2020!

Wishing You the Joys of the Holiday Season

The Peerless Power of Comics!


  1. Have a Merry Marvel Christmas, CF :)

  2. That little comic story was HILARIOUS. Loved it.

    And all the best of the best to one and all!

  3. Just wanted to chime in here to tell you that I read your posts all the time, but for whatever reason I rarely comment. Probably because you and your readers have more comic book knowledge. But I come here often and wanted to let you know. PPofC is a great site and your work is very much appreciated. Happy Holidays!

  4. Thank you, Colin, and the same to you, my friend.

    Murray, I enjoyed that story, as well. Y'know, in spite of the potential danger, I think an invite to attend an A.I.M. New Years' party would be the coolest!

    Sharper13x, my humble thanks for the nice words--what a great pick-me-up to close out the year! Enjoy your holidays, and don't hesitate to chime in when we return in 2020--we're all just fans here, and your input is always welcome. :D

  5. Thanks for yet another great year, C.F., and best holiday wishes to you and yours! After all this time this blog is still merrily marching forward.


  6. I just got around to checking that link, C.F.
    Ah, were we ever that young?
    Happy New Year.

