Friday, November 10, 2017

Heads Will Roll At Gamma Base!

In early 1979, the military/research installation known as Gamma Base began experiencing some internal problems that brought it under the scrutiny of the federal government--problems set in motion by the actions of Dr. Karla Sofen, former associate of the infamous Dr. Faustus who went on to become an operative of the criminal organization known as the Corporation. In order to steal key components of a gamma-powered device for her employer, Sofen joined Leonard Samson at the base as a fellow psychiatrist in order to move about the base covertly and gain greater access to the restricted area where the components were stored. What no one suspects is that Sofen has also become the new Moonstone.

Other guests at Gamma Base at that time were the incredible Hulk, under the care and treatment of Samson, and Jim Wilson, the Hulk's friend. It was the Hulk who accidentally encountered Sofen (as Moonstone) once she'd made her heist--but, in order to escape without incident, Sofen managed through subterfuge to enrage the Hulk to the point of paranoia, upsetting Samson's therapy using both her powers and her skill as a psychiatrist. But she has pushed the Hulk too far--and she now battles for her life while waiting to take advantage of any opportunity to escape.

Meanwhile, the base's C.O., Gen. "Thunderbolt" Ross, who has begun showing symptoms of stress due mostly to his inability to deal with the Hulk, prepares to move against the monster on his own (while hopefully taking the heat off of Moonstone). But Moonstone, startled by Ross's arrival, momentarily lets her concentration lapse and inadvertently reveals her true identity--yet in doing so, discovers the perfect opportunity to turn the situation to her advantage.

It almost seems appropriate for only the Hulk to be the one to see right through Sofen's act and realize that she's to blame for the chaos that has been attributed to his own rage. Regardless, the damage to Ross is done--and the icing on the cake will be Samson himself, who has seen the Hulk threaten Sofen earlier and, noting Ross's condition, concludes that the Hulk is likely beyond redemption.

As a result, the Hulk leaves Gamma Base in shambles, only this time that description applies more to the emotional and administrative upheaval left in the wake of the Hulk's stormy departure. All things considered, the actual physical damage to the facility is minor; yet of concern to Washington is the fact that Gamma Base's operative status has gone south, thanks to one debacle after another. And now, with the escape of the Hulk, accountability has become the order of the day--and arriving to demand it are Senators Hawk and Stivak from Washington, with the former being the more unhappy of the pair.

Welcome to administrative hell, Dr. Samson. By the way, you might have thought to dress to greet the Senator as if you're not part of a circus.

Given the complete disaster of Samson's therapeutic approach with the Hulk, as well as Moonstone's appearance and the theft of the gamma components, plus Ross's public outburst while recently addressing the press, Hawk's frustration and impatience concerning the state of affairs at the facility are understandable. But perhaps we can narrow the cause of Gamma Base's problems to the following explanation from Samson:

Let's repeat the key part of that exchange for emphasis:

Yes, that's right--apparently, there are no other officers on this base authorized to assume command in the event of a crisis. Even more incredible, Samson--a civilian--has somehow wound up on a list of people empowered to not only head the base's civilian operations, but also to issue orders to its military personnel. I wonder what it was like to have that news trickle down through the ranks. Nothing lifts morale quite like knowing your life could depend on the nonexistent military experience of the on-staff psychiatrist. Where's Major Talbot when you need him? On this base, where is Major anybody?

There don't seem to be any corporals, either--but there is Jim Wilson, who luckily is available to relay important base communiques.

You might not want to rave about an approach that failed the first time around, Samson.

That's all we'd see of Jim for awhile. As it happens, Stivak, who is also a member of the Corporation, has covertly communicated his identity to Sofen--and the two board a plane to California to observe the Hulk's activities first-hand, with Jim ostensibly along in case the Hulk becomes a problem. En route, however, Jim is rendered unconscious--a hostage, in case he's needed for what Stivak has planned next.

As for the star of this mag, he's found a new friend in the form of Fred Sloan, who's in the Hulk's debt for coming to his aid during a bar fight but is now a hunted man for harboring the Hulk. The progressive Fred is all for taking the peaceful approach whenever possible; unfortunately, his new road companion has his own methods for dealing with authority figures.

Eventually, things come to a head with the Corporation, and news of the entire affair reaches back to Gamma Base. For some reason, Samson believes he's now off the hook--but Hawk remains adamant about continuing his investigation of base operations.

Now before you jump down the man's throat, consider: Hawk is absolutely correct that the involvement of both Stivak and Sofen with the Corporation has no bearing on the dismal state of Gamma Base's functional status or past mishaps, to say nothing of having little to show for their efforts concerning the Hulk. It also bears mentioning that it was base security that granted Dr. Sofen clearance without bothering to investigate any red flags her records or past associations might indicate. The name "Dr. Faustus" would have likely sounded a few alarm bells.

At any rate, Samson beats Hawk to the punch and makes good on his threat to tender his resignation.

Committed as he is to public service, it doesn't exactly speak well of Hawk that his mentor was our friend Morton Clegstead, who pushed through funding and approval of "Hulkbuster" Base just so that he would eventually gain access to the Hulk's blood for experimental cancer treatment.

Also shipping out is S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Clay Quartermain--but by that time, Gamma Base has secured a new C.O. (and hopefully a few more officers). As for Senator Hawk, someone should have cornered him and reminded him of the phrase, "be careful what you wish for."

Yes, Col. Glenn Talbot--otherwise known as Thunderbolt Ross 2.0.
And he gets right to work.

(This post draws on events from Incredible Hulk #s 229-243.)

1 comment:

  1. Gamma Base is the ultimate example of how the Hulk is allowed to live in his own corner of the MU unaffected by others. I remember reading issues the same month and wondering things. Like if the government has all of these resources available to fight the Hulk, why could those resources not be deployed to fight Doctor Doom, Magneto, Skrulls, etc? Love me some old Hulk, though.
