Thursday, October 5, 2023

Journey's End


Dear Friends,

With a mixture of sadness and optimism, I would like to bid you all a fond farewell, as I sign off from The Peerless Power of Comics. I've enjoyed contributing to this effort immensely--but essentially, I feel I've accomplished what I set out to do and would like to pivot to other interests and take a breather.

More of an explanation has to do with time constraints, as well as the creative impulse which has played such a large part in putting together this scrapbook of my memories and impressions of the comics I've read over the years.  As you can imagine, maintaining a regular blogging schedule requires working it into your daily/weekly routine, while also taking into consideration the ever-present onus to conceive and bring an idea for a post to fruition.  In the first few years of blogging, brimming with ideas and eagerness, that was all surprisingly manageable; but as I've changed and grown over the years and my priorities have shifted, I've found that creative spark has become something I've had to dig deeper for, rather than simply relying on inspiration that always seemed to flow from my thoughts and through the keyboard almost of its own accord. And so, concerned that the quality I endeavor to bring to the PPC might begin to suffer as a result, I opted to tip my hat and make a gracious exit.  After over eleven years and having produced over 2,400 blog posts, it feels like the correct decision--and combined with the need I feel to reallocate my time to other responsibilities and pursuits, doing so has left me in a positive frame of mind for whatever might be around the corner in my future.

To those of you who have graced these posts with your interest and comments through the years, you've contributed immeasurably to the hopefully welcoming and humorous atmosphere I've attempted to impart--in addition to the thought-provoking back-and-forth which is a necessary component of the PPC, for myself as well as no doubt others who have had the pleasure of reading your thoughts. We are all comics fans, here and throughout this medium--and for each of you, your take on a writer, or a story, or a penciler, inker, or character has brought something different and interesting to the roundtable that we share. I've been known to suggest to some of you that you take a crack at blogging yourself, for however long you care to, and see what direction(s) it takes you in. I, for one, would be eager to see how your own impressions on the subject of comics shape its format and content.

To those visitors who preferred to withhold comment but frequented this forum on a regular basis or even occasionally, thank you for making the PPC reading experience part of your week. Various statistics outlets can give one an idea of how many people frequent your site, where they're located, which post(s) they're reading, etc., but when you blog you nevertheless take a shot in the dark as far as how successfully or even if your content will catch on with people. If you've been a reader here, then your enjoyment of comics gave us something in common, and made you a welcome guest in my book.

Lastly, to Marvel Comics--where do I begin to express my gratitude? Having spent over a decade of my life adapting my memories of your stories to these pages, I found it to be just as rewarding an experience as when I was bringing home a fresh stack of your books from the store, plopping down on the couch or a bed, and eagerly flipping open fresh pages to a Marvel story. (Your staff and assembled talent may have felt a monthly publication schedule was tight, but for we readers it also turned out to be a considerable anticipation-builder.) I came aboard as a reader during the early 1970s, and began to assimilate this wealth of fictional excitement and imagination which took me through high school, college, and beyond, while improving my vocabulary of ten-dollar words in the process. Within the PPC where both stories and talent share the spotlight, I've strived to strike a balance between the appreciation and admiration of a fanboy and the more scrutinizing and discerning eye of a sometime-reviewer, bolstered with healthy doses of humor and wry observation. In short, Marvel and its writers, artists, inkers, colorists, letterers, et al. have played a part in my creativity and drive flourishing through the years, while providing me with so much enjoyment along the way. If a person sees those things reflected within the PPC, it's gratifying to bring an end to the blog on such a note.

As for my immediate future, I'll still be frequenting the PPC behind the scenes (a little tweaking here, a little fine-tuning there), while also maintaining its limited presence on X (fka Twitter).  Once again, my humble thanks to each and every one of you for taking this journey with me, and all the best to you.


  1. And all the best to you, Sir, and may your amulet never tickle.

  2. Comics Fan - For a long while, I've been surprised you've kept up 'The Peerless Power of Comics' for this long. How hard it is, and the energy you expend each week, is something myself - and others - totally understood, whilst you were writing the blog. Your commitment on the PPOC - largely on your own - has been outstanding. Several favourite posts of yours spring to mind, but Captain Marvel's post, explaining all about the "Great Pama", and the post with the Silver Surfer being able to increase his strength, using the Power Cosmic, are particular favourites. Those two posts clarified points I've wondered about for decades! Good luck in your future endeavours.


  3. This site became a joyful habit to read every Monday and Thursday morning. I have commented in the past about my amazement that you always came up with new stuff to talk about. But as it has with many other comics blogs, the spark does seem to fade. I sincerely thank you for your fine work, allowing me to relive some of my favorite childhood memories and hearing your takes on the more recent adventures of our beloved characters.

    By the hoary hosts of Haggoth, I will miss you!


  4. Even if you never post here again, CF, I'll never run out of new stuff to read here, such is the huge legacy you leave behind. Thanks for all your hard work over the years.

  5. Thank you, Kid--and may that amulet's occupant never cause any trouble, either!

    And many successful future endeavors yourself, Phillip. Gosh, I'll have to look up that Pama post--that's slipped even my mind! :)

    Yoyo, I'm happy you enjoyed the experience here. Those memories were a pleasure to relive, myself--they sure took me back.

    dangermash, the work was mixed with fun as well as thoughtful comments such as yours, my friend, thanks.

  6. Thank you for creating this wonderful blog. Very sad to see you go, and I'm sure I'll keep checking back to see if you've changed your mind and re-started it. For what it's worth, I think you've made the world a bit better of a place.

  7. I've been reading the PPoC for nearly 10 years, CF, so this is a sad day for me but it's understandable that you'd want to move on to other things as none of us are getting any younger! Thank you so, so much for being part of my weekly routine for all those years and may I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours!

    But obviously I can never forgive you for ignoring Conan the Barbarian ;)

  8. I dance the Dance of Unavoidable Melancholy.

    Crestfallen, but not completely surprised. Perusing your back catalogue of posts reveals how you've been heroically digging deeper and searching harder for material as the years have gone by. Obviously a great labour of love, but equally obvious is the amount of time and work required to produce the marvellous quality you've given us.

    Thanks! Onward and upward!

    PS and thanks for the "Farewell and Aloha" post. Closure is good. Too, too many blogs out there just...end. Did the creator get hit by a bus or is taking a break or just wandered away?

    PPS there are buckets of precedence where folk have stated their retirement date and then decided to have one more "world tour" or "one more movie". So don't let any "loss of face" stop you if some Free Comic Book Day gets your keyboarding fingers itchy...

  9. Anon, thank you for the thought, though I'm already reaping the benefits from the free time this decision has afforded me, so I believe I've closed my door here for good--however, you're welcome to visit back anytime. :)

    Colin, you're very welcome--and just for your nice words, I will forgive you for the Conan parting shot! Well timed, sir! ;)

    Murray, actually I've been toying with the idea of having an AI pick up where I left off. (Good lord, that's got me curious just joking about it. I wouldn't be surprised if someone took a crack at it.)

  10. Sad to see you go, CF. This site's been a massive achievement for many years and an example and inspiration to us all.

  11. Thanks a lot, you did outstanding work!

  12. Thank you so much for all the years of enjoyment. I've noticed the past several years many of my favorite comics sites shutting down. I can only imagine the amount work you've done on this great blog. Thank you again, and I'll still revisit and enjoy always!

  13. All the best to you, Comics Fan. Thank you for helping me relive so many memories of the comics I enjoyed when I was younger

  14. Steve, high praise, thank you--best wishes for your continued success! And my thanks to you as well, mr. warlock, RickH and Anon--you and other comics readers made it all worth it. :D

  15. Thank you for all the fun reading! Your blog is one of my bookmarked destinations. I always check out your posts and enjoy what I read. Good luck in your future endeavors.

    Travis Morgan

  16. C.F, I can't thank you enough for all the hours of pleasure I've gotten from PPOC. Wonderful reviews full of insight and wit (sometimes I laughed out loud), and art beautifully depicted. I saw much stuff here that was new to me and got to share my love of old favorites with you and my fellow frantic fans to discuss and debate.
    Jeez, that's all pretty cornball, but it had to be said.
    While we're all sad to see such a wonderful thing go, thou hast earned the right to take thine ease, and may no man say thee nay!
    I have spoken!


  17. Although I don't think I ever commented, I always enjoyed your work. Your insight, perspective and humor always made for an entertaining and informative read. Thank you for everything, my friend.

  18. I appreciate the good words and the good wishes, Travis, thank you.

    M.P., your responses were always terrific to see, and brought a smile to my face. Your presence here was welcome and your words on the subject at hand were usually spot-on. I'm pleased to take your instructions to heart and "take [mine] ease," indeed. :) (But what's Odin going to say about your *ahem* borrowing one of his pieces of extravagant headgear to make your proclamation?)

    Anon, thank you for your kind sentiments, I'm very glad you were pleased with what you found here. :)

  19. How sad. This has been s great blog bringing back many happy memories of my own. Thank you very much

  20. Sad to see you go. After SuperMegaMonkey shut down his Marvel Comics Chronology, I could not find a friendly, interesting spot to discuss my love of old Marvel Comics until I found this blog. I understand maintaining any blog - much less one that requires custom screenshots, research, and planning - is a lot of work. I only wish I had found this blog sooner. Best wishes on your future endeavors.


  21. Anon, you're quite welcome--memories, as you know, were a big part of it for me, as well.

    Chris, no doubt about it, SMM was and is a great site with compelling reviews. More than once I've visited to check my facts, but mostly I enjoyed just putting my feet up to read the host's "take" on a subject or issue. "Friendly and interesting," as you say. A chronological approach was ambitious and no doubt without its challenges, but I liked what I saw.

  22. Let me guess, Comicsfan - you're clearing your schedule so you can run against Dodgy Donald and Sleepy Joe next year? Good luck, your country needs you!

    Not much to add to what everyone else said, except thanks from me too.
    And if the urge strikes, I hope you'll feel free to add the occasional random new post to the blog.


  23. Politics, Sean? If I'm going to be chewed up and spit out, I'd sooner jump into a vat of piranhas!

  24. I'm glad you enjoyed your time here, FF follower, thanks very much.


  25. Dear Comicsfan,

    I'm a bit late to the bon voyage party, but just wanted to echo the thanks for putting up this blog. Like others here, I looked forward to it as a part of the Monday/Thursday morning routine. I did not comment as often as I meant to, often hesitating till the time was long passed (I wanted to weigh in on your post a month ago about 1983 Marvel comics, if only to defend the Shooter-era Marvel that was my "golden age"). What comments I did post were met with your usual enthusiasm and all-around positivity. My personal favourite exchange was discussing the Monstrous Plan of the Mandarin last year, where we cracked the code of when and where Enchantress exactly called Scarlet Witch a "wench". In this era of divisive internet politics, this site was exactly the refreshing tone and triviality that allowed us to tackle the real serious and high-stakes issues of the day. Enjoy your blog retirement.
    -david p.

  26. CF- sorry to be so late with these greetings, but here's a hearty "well done". How you have maintained it for so long is incredible. Five years was all I could do!

    Best of luck in all your future explorations...


  27. David, always good crossing paths with you, my friend. :D Comment threads are indeed enjoyable to chime in on, since mostly everyone brings an interesting take on a particular subject to the table (much like the many comics bloggers this medium has seen in its time), and you never know what tangents will develop as a result. Thanks so much for all the nice words on the PPC--writing for and sharing my memories of comics with yourself and others was its own reward.

    Redartz, you and Martinex did Doug and Karen proud with BITBA, and five years isn't chicken feed, bub! Thank you for the kind sentiments, and I'm sure I'll see you around the many spinner racks still to choose from on Blogger and elsewhere.

  28. GREAT blog I enjoyed for years- I've also experienced recent time restraints due to other creative pursuits.

  29. Thanks, Super, I enjoyed your posts as well--a cool focus on the world of action figures!

  30. Thanks for this great blog. I am a German comic fan and love comics from the 60s to the 80s. I'm collecting all the information about Marvel comics and will soon be publishing a non-fiction book with a focus on artists and their inkers. I didn't find Kirby & Stone that exciting, but Kirby and Sinnott did. A major prize.

    I would like to thank you for many hours on PPC


  31. Ingo, you picked a terrific subject for your book, and I'll definitely be curious to see what you came up with. Best of luck to you, and I'm glad you've enjoyed the PPC. :D

  32. Thank you for all of your hard work and contributions to making the internet a better place!!! Love(d) the blog and amazed at all the content you brought - it made it easier for me to reconnect to my younger self who grew up in the 70s and 80s, and make new connections to the modern Marvel world. Thank you!!

  33. Boris, you're very welcome, I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself here. (I rather enjoyed revisiting the '70s and '80s, myself!)
