Monday, December 21, 2020

'Tis The Season To Be A Secret Invader...


Happy holidays, everyone!

But not everyone is feeling the holiday cheer. For instance, meet dismayed Daily Bugle reporter Lester (we're never told the poor man's last name), who on Christmas Eve finds himself sitting across the desk from his editor, Irving Griffen, and receiving some very jarring news under the circumstances. Nevertheless, he also receives a deadline--and to comply with Griffen's ultimatum magnanimous offer of continued employment, he ends up tapping a very special source who could be his best chance for meeting that deadline before the axe falls.

The year is 2007, just when Marvel's books are beginning to display signs of the company's Secret Invasion crossover event. From what we'll see of Lester's, er, canvassing, you would think the Skrulls would certainly make seizing this galaxy-spanning teleportation device (!!) which Reed has whipped up (under his own deadline from S.H.I.E.L.D.) a priority over their infiltration plans; but fortunately for Lester, he's left unhindered to research his story and report what meaning Christmas holds for other individuals, races, and, in some cases, species.

(Not to take this frolic by writer Mike Carey too seriously, but no, I don't know why Reed would object to his comment about reaching out to people during Christmas being on the record. Anyone care to hazard a guess?)

Finally, Lester has what he needs and (presumably) meets his deadline with Griffen. No doubt Lester's elation at pleasing his boss (and keeping his job) kept him from noticing the curious change in Griffen's desk name plate--evidence of a still-developing story that would have ramifications for future Christmases as well as any other traditions which the human race held dear.

Looks like we can't count on the Bugle worker with spider-sense to blow the lid on this.

Today the PPC takes the rest of the year off to enjoy the holidays--
we'll see you back here in 2021!


Don't forget to have some A.I.M. gingerbread cookies to satisfy your sweet tooth!



  1. "Reaching out to people is what Christmas is all about." - while stretching his arm to shake hands. Is that an attempt at humour? From Reed Richards?

    RR always struck me as someone who would never really laugh, but would acknowledge that something was very funny.

  2. All the best of the best to you, C.F.!

    (and likewise to all the Peerless Power of Comics regulars!)

    Thanks for another year of insightful and well-researched comic book folderol. I'm looking forward to yet another twelve months to come!

    Stay healthy!

  3. Merry Christmas and happy new year to all out there in PPC land

  4. You know, Tiboldt, collating the times Reed Richards said something humorous or laughed at something funny sounds like it would be an interesting (and daunting) quest, indeed. And one example comes to mind already: FF #58, where Reed has just calmed the Thing who was startled out of his wits as he was reading a ghost story. Have a look.

    Murray and Factory Yoyo, best wishes to you both, and thank you!

  5. And happy holidays to you, C.F., and all my fellow frantic and fanatical fans of PPOC!
    Yet another Marvelous year under your belt, and this blog ain't showin' any signs of slowin' down. You're still finding great material.
    Seriously, thanks. I think we all appreciate having a cool place such as this to hang out in.

    However, I think those A.I.M cookies might be ill-conceived. How are you gonna decide who gets Modok?! He's the biggest one. A fight might break out, particularly if a lotta spiked eggnog has been consumed.


  6. To tell you the truth, M.P., the MODOK cookie looks so menacing I doubt if anyone is going to want to, um, disturb him. And speaking of disturbing, you may have noticed that his eyes seem to follow you wherever you go--so the hungry among us will likely restrict our partaking to his A.I.M. minions and leave well enough alone. ;)

  7. A Merry Marvel Christmas to you, CF, and to everyone who reads the PPoC :)

  8. Thank you, Colin! And if it helps, the UK may be locked up tighter than the Raft right now, but the PPC remains border-free. :)

  9. It may be a Latverian-style Christmas where I am in the UK this year Comicsfan, but I'm going to wish you and everyone who comes here a good one anyway.


  10. And the same to you, sean--word is that even in Latveria people look forward to the promise of what a new year will hold. We'll greet it together, my friend. :)

  11. Have a good one! Never cared much for the defenders, nice covers by Alex Ross.
    Reaaaaalllllly appreciate ALL your efforts and wishing you all the best CF! Best wishes from Berlin, Germany

  12. Thanks so much, mr. warlock, Merry Christmas!
