Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Rude Awakening

Following up in the aftermath of a two-issue battle between Firelord and the amazing Spider-Man which swept through New York City and destroyed several city blocks, let's begin by again taking a look as the Avengers finally arrive to assess the situation--and find, to their surprise, that it's the former herald of Galactus who lies defeated this day!

The exhausted wall-crawler is more than ready to turn custody of his foe over to the Avengers, after which he departs; yet Earth's mightiest heroes, not having witnessed this conflict, have failed to take into account that Firelord wasn't in the best of moods when he fell, his rage building to fury as the fight progressed and Spider-Man's resistance persisted (to say nothing of his trademark mockery). Given Firelord's almost legendary temper, it's safe to say that he's not likely to just let the matter drop, and that, for him, this battle isn't over until Spider-Man lies dead at his feet.

So to say that things will likely be a little bumpy at Avengers Mansion once Firelord regains consciousness is putting it mildly. Or, put another way, somebody had better warn the Black Knight that bedside manner isn't going to cut any ice with the likes of Firelord.

Luckily for the Avengers, their current lineup includes one who has had prior dealings with Firelord and who, along with Thor, eventually gained Firelord's respect. And for this Avenger, tough love is the way to handle a recalcitrant alien.

Amazingly, though certainly coming as no surprise to Hercules, Firelord complies and stands down. And the National Security Council collectively breathes a little easier.

Now, there's the little matter of reparations:

As much as the clean-up crew known as Damage Control would no doubt like Firelord's phone number for future reference, the alien soon leaves Earth to join the Avengers as they travel to the Andromeda galaxy to reunite with their missing member, Captain Marvel--though Firelord will discover that there is another there who will reignite his thirst for vengeance.

1 comment:

  1. I could never figure out what the deal was with Starfox/Eros. You would assume he would be a tragic character, given his rather complicated family history, but he sure doesn't act like it. Maybe he has more depth than he lets on. I'm not sure what his powers were, exactly, other than being able to fly through space and score with chicks, which are actually pretty good superpowers to have, when you think about it.

