Tuesday, November 7, 2017

This World Is Mine!


Name This Marvel Villain??

There's nothing subtle about calling yourself The Master Of The World, or even "The Master" for short; even so, our villain has mostly remained under the radar of the human race for millennia. He originated as Eshu, an exiled member of an ancient tribe, who subsequently came upon a wrecked alien ship of the Plodex race. Captured by the ship's unliving machines, he thereafter was forced to suffer through excruciating experimentation on his mind and body for 30,000 years. Eventually, he gained mastery over the ship's systems, though in doing so he became trapped within its confines.

During a confrontation with Alpha Flight, the Plodex ship was destroyed by an explosion, and the Master gained his freedom. But when the AF member known as Puck dislodged the Master's helmet, we learned that the villain wasn't as free of his dependence on technology as he would have liked.

In time, the Master was able to rebuild his body and regain his humanity (if only in appearance), and would continue his schemes for world domination in one form or another. What really put him on the map was his role in an Avengers story where the entire world was at war with Kang the Conqueror, with the Master erecting Plodex towers around all major North American cities--taking advantage of the Kang war to solidify his foothold in North America while taking steps to protect his interests.

In short order, he also puts the Avengers on notice--followed by a rash of kidnappings designed to extend his influence to key seats of power.

But for all his planning, the Master has discounted the involvement of the Avengers, who were faring badly against Kang and saw the Master's fortifications as a valuable weapon of war that could be better put to use under their control. Consequently, a task force under the command of Warbird invades his base; but the Master's power proves formidable, leaving Warbird to take what she believes is the only course of action left in order to prevail.

In the end, the Master's towers failed to match Kang's superior weaponry, and the war ends badly for the Avengers and for the world. As for the Master, the 2010 series Chaos War ends up resurrecting a number of dead characters, including our villain, who resumes plotting and extends his goal to perfecting all of the human race and leading them to their "rightful place as conquerors of the universe!" He finally perished when his ship came under assault from Vindicator and Guardian and crashed--neither master of the world, nor his fate.

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