Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Hammer Strikes! And Strikes Again!

Some interesting Thor "homage" covers by artist Ron Frenz:

(Though this guy is sure paying a heck of a lot of homage!)

With an honorable mention to Walt Simonson's own effort:


  1. Yeah, it was swiping. I could see that even back in the '80's. but the thing was, this was a comic book that was fun to read for change, and those were in short supply in the late '80's-early 90's.
    Superman was pretty good too during this period. I remember being in the Army in Germany, having guys bang on my door asking to borrow the latest issue of Thor, or Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man, or Action Comics, because they followed it month by month. Cheapskates! I was running a library over there.
    But Thor was a fun comic back then. M.P.

  2. Gosh, that's a lot of copying...er, homaging. I haven't seen that Defenders cover before - Valkyrie was included in the corner circles !!!....then dropped again.

  3. M.P., I think what you're saying is that your buddies did their own bit of swiping, eh? :)

  4. great stuff- i appreciate a cover homage
