Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Art Is Out There

With all the great artistic talent that's contributed to Marvel Comics, it's also important to note those who have received some measure of inspiration from their efforts, in the form of work created either digitally or through more old-fashioned means. And since this blog itself is a result of inspiration, it seemed appropriate to feature some of these individuals and how they see some of Marvel's characters. You'll find their names attached to the samples, with links to their other work.

First up: How cool would it be for Wolverine to ditch those blank eye slits so that we can see this man's actual eyes?

And there's this absolutely beautiful rendering of the Silver Surfer--alas, presumably still imprisoned:

Colorist Omi Remalante lends his flair to this Storm/Black Panther portrait by Mike Deodato:

The once-great Vision:

Illustrator John Gallagher brings us Galactus and the Silver Surfer, followed by the amazing Spider-Man:

(Check out John's awesome Tumblr page!)

And speaking of Spidey, colorist Sambis Suryadi lends his talent to this "amazing" representation of the web-spinner by Andrew Robinson:

No such gallery would be complete without a few Fantastic Four prints, courtesy of Jeremy Roberts:

How would you like to take a ride on these wheels?

by Italian illustrator Gabriele Dell'Otto, who began working with Marvel in 1998

Finally, Stanley Lau takes us out in a blaze of flourish:

Kudos to all of you!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I HAD to buy that Vision cover. For all my lamenting on the lack any decent art (for my tastes) post-Bronze Age, THAT one was killer.
