Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Just Call Him Mr. Sensitive

Jeez, Reed, don't hold back--tell us how you really feel about women.


  1. Yeah, ol' Reed could be a trip sometimes...

    Or a tool.

    Loved him under Gerry Conway's writing best of.., brooding over his breakup with Sue. Gerry explored the man, putting the snooty scientist aside for a spell.

  2. "Go polish a test tube"!!! LOL. Man, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that.....

    The Prowler (Spied a little thing and followed her all night in a funky fine levis and her sweater's kind of tight).

  3. Yeah, that line was ... remarkable.

    Mirko yeahaw!

  4. Sue's probably thinking, "geez, sometimes I wish I could make HIM invisible..." mp
