Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Artists Of Tomorrow

The extent of my talent for drawing is probably limited to "drawing" the occasional raffle ticket--but there was always a small part of me that wished I could have been talented enough to attend the more legitimate art workshops and schools that were launched by comics artists back in the day, if only to soak up some of the shop talk from such greats as John Buscema and Joe Kubert.

Have a look at a sampling of some of the ads which appeared between the pages of comics or fanzines at the time--ads which encouraged your application, no matter how little you thought of your talent.

The ads for the Joe Kubert School in New Jersey have become more imaginative and polished over time, though I really liked those ads that looked as if they were taken fresh from the drawing board. Kubert passed away two years ago, but the school is still in operation, coming up on nearly forty years of offering education in cartooning, comics and graphic art, and animation. If you're an aspiring student, you'll perhaps enjoy this inspiring vid, complete with soaring soundtrack and what seem to be dedicated students cued to shuffle busily through hallways en masse.  (I hope they were given extra credit.)

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