Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Now Let's See You Levitate

I'm not sure if anyone has sealed the deal yet to play Dr. Strange in a film, but there's no shortage of worthy stand-ins should the hold-outs end up asking for too much dinero. Nice work, all of you!

Wait a minute--no one stepping up as the Man of Mystery? That's just asking for a costume!


  1. Wow and wow..

    I FINALLY decided (with the insistance of my 20something niece and nephew...) to start some cosplay attempt, so I'm having a classic BSG colonial warrior outfit made, already got the italian boots, weapon, holster/weapons belt, that knee computer, etc..

    But if I was to do a Marvel character, I'd certainly go for Doc Strange. Pretty impressive workmanship here.

  2. Those last couple of pictures show how....er, strange his huge collar would look in real life though - I'm betting Dr. Strange's movie costume bears little resemblance to the comic-book version (well, I can see the big collar being dumped anyway - iconic as it is). I saw the TV movie of Doc Strange from the late '70s but I can't recall anything about it (some googling required) except that it was okay - or so I thought at the time.

  3. I heard from a guy I work with whose Mom knows a lady at her nail salon who's son has a friend who follows a blog that posted a tweet that Dr Strange was going to be played by Benedict Cumberbatch.

    And Colin, I saw that movie also. It's on youtube in about 12 parts. It's not a waste of time is all I can say.

    The Prowler (police in New York City, chased a boy into the park).

  4. Colin, I always felt Strange's cloak cuts down too much on his peripheral vision, the same way Arrow's hoodie does. I mean, do they think their foes are always going to attack from directly in front of them?
