Saturday, October 25, 2014

With This Ring, I Thee Rule

With only three more issues to go in our look at Jack Kirby's last seven issues of Mighty Thor, we're now whisked from the smokestacks of Earth to the halls of Asgard, where there seems to be trouble brewing. And when we speak of trouble in Asgard, there's one evil god who can always be counted on to be in the thick of it:

But before we get to the main event, let's go back a bit and peek in on the "realm eternal" and find out what's got everyone so skittish recently:

So apparently, news of the Odin-Sleep is enough to make Asgardians drop everything and rush to defend their borders, not to mention posting a roomful of armored guards around Odin's bed while the poor guy tries to nod off. Since he's usually out like a light, we have to assume that Odin doesn't have a problem with others being in the same room while trying to sleep, like other people of high rank have been known to experience. In addition, while I'm sure no one wants to get in the Asgardians' business about their security procedures on this matter, maybe someone should clue in the All-Father that if he didn't announce to the nine worlds when he was lying down for his Odin-Sleep, maybe his enemies wouldn't pick that time to mass against him.

And speaking of his enemies, again, it's not too difficult to guess who's organizing them:

Thor, as we know from issue #4 in our countdown, remains on Earth, content with leading his double life as Donald Blake while occasionally pitching in with law-and-order matters as Thor. But with the situation in Asgard so dire--ODIN IS SNOOZING, after all--the lady Sif travels to Earth to make out with Thor inform Thor and return with him so that he can help stem the tide against Loki's forces while she helps to stand guard in Odin's chamber:

But Loki is no piker at sneaking up on his target, taking advantage of a secret passageway he'd prepared for just such an occasion. (No, I don't know why Odin, of all people, wouldn't be tuned in to the fact that a passageway leading to his bedchamber was being constructed under his nose. Loki must know one or two good stealth spells.)

We get a bit of a look here at palace intrigue, as well as Loki's resourcefulness. There are enough swords in the room to make sure that Loki is carried out as a shish kebob if he tries to approach Odin's side; but watch as he basically gets off on a technicality, as well as asserting his authority as an heir to the throne. While we're talking to the Asgardians about their security procedures, let's also get them to put something in writing concerning a little thing called chain in command. But for now, there's no stopping Loki and the plan he has in mind:

Thus, Loki seizes the throne of Asgard. And when Thor finally makes his way to Odin's chamber after battling Loki's forces, he discovers what else Loki has seized that has made his little power play possible:

Naturally, Thor isn't about to fold because of some clever maneuvering on Loki's part. But if he does act, he finds that it will have to be alone, as none of his friends and comrades are willing to throw in with him.

Which paves the way for the final three issues of Jack Kirby's run on Thor, where we'll discover that a ring doesn't necessarily make a ruler--and that Loki's ascension isn't likely to give pause to those who yet wait to destroy Asgard, whoever its ruler may be.


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