Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Fan Behind The Comics!

Your humble host--in a humble selfie.

(You can find the details on the custom artwork behind me in a prior post.)


  1. It took me ages to pluck up the courage to take a selfie and create an avatar to accompany my comments but now that I've done it I wonder what took me so long. What's curious is that on none of my selfies can you see my arm holding the tablet out in front of me. Anyway - it's nice to see the real you, CF/David !

  2. I think it would be cool if you drew a Dick Grayson mask on and see if anybody would recognize you!!!

    The Prowler (once wore his cowl in the shower).

  3. Awesome, awesome awesome.

    Great selfie and gorgeous backdrop. Being a huge Cap fan, very jealous.

    Blessings ~

  4. Nah, that's not you. That's either Dan Dare or Judge Dredd with his helmet off.

  5. Prowler, I did once Photoshop the helmet of Galactus onto my head--does that count? I'll have to get around to posting it sometime. :)

  6. I love the artwork behind you!

    Very pleased to meet you!

