Friday, August 29, 2014

Faster Than A Speeding Bidder

In February of 2010, this puppy sold at auction for $1 million:

In 2011, the winning bidder for another copy shelled out $2,161,000.

Last Sunday, a copy graded 9.0 in condition by the Certified Guaranty Company went for a staggering:

I'm more than a little curious about the shipping options being offered. Armored car? Blackwater Security? The Winter Soldier?

The seller, collectibles dealer Darren Adams, will be donating part of the proceeds to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.


  1. Man, what I wouldn't give for a time machine and a handful of old

  2. We all spend money on things we don't need that could be used to help hungry people, Col. That guy's 3 million is, proportionately, the same as the 20 quid you spent on some DVDs that you'd already seen on TV or in the cinema. And who's to say that he doesn't also give similar large amounts to charity (as you, within your means, may well do so too)? It's all relative, don't you think?

  3. Nope, I'm pointing out how things ARE indeed relative. You can feed a child in India for a month for a probably less than a fiver. Remember that the next time you spend a fiver on something you can live without. You also have to remember that people are kept in jobs by those who spend vast amounts of money on paintings and comics, or whatever: Galleries, museums, lawyers, cleaners, etc., etc. I agree that some prices seem ridiculous, but if you can afford it, why not? Freedom to spend your own money on what you want is a basic human right. And as I said, how do you know that the person who bought the comic doesn't also give such amounts to charity and deserving causes? In fact, I understand that the seller will be donating some of the money to charity. (Thanks for your indulgence, Comicsfan.)

  4. I agree that it's certainly within the purview of the buyer to spend his money on what he chooses. Self-gratification takes many forms in terms of purchases, and this money might just as well have been spent on a second home in the Hamptons that one might only visit occasionally, or a PAC, or a wedding. It really only becomes an issue, IMO, when the welfare of one's dependants is on the line--but then again, if you have that kind of money to throw down on a comic book, chances are your family has already been well provided for. :)
