Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Absurdity Itself

This is some sort of joke, right?


  1. I have to decline to answer on the grounds it may reveal I actually read some of that "Fear Itself" hog slop.

  2. Hulk with a hammer! Dracula unites all the vampire sects! Clash of the Titans! INCONCEIVABLE!!!!

    The Prowler (You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means).

  3. Yes. Yes, it did happen.
    And may God have mercy on us all.

  4. I've read part of "Fear Itself" but I didn't know about this bit. Dracula is considered part of the Marvel Universe and has battled Dr. Strange and Werewolf By Night (and maybe others that I can't recall) so it's not that amazing for him to come up against the Hulk. Saying that, though - these mega-crossover Summer events do get a bit over-blown and dumb. But I'd love to have seen Dracula vs. Hulk back in the '70s !!
