Monday, March 31, 2014

Kill Or Be Killed


Name This Marvel Villain??

Judging by his villain name, our friend here--a mercenary with an excellent rep and a talent for gadgets--seemed to want to make it easy for his clients to find him in the phone book. Introducing--the Mercenary, a man who doesn't indulge in modesty when describing his talents:

The Mercenary has been contacted by a ship's captain who wants payback against an informant (Cheryl Porter) who's responsible for Iron Man taking action against his ship for smuggling in the Titanium Man. Cheryl has sought out Tony Stark for help--and, sympathetic to her, he offers her sanctuary at his hide-away hunting lodge, complete with an array of security devices. Little does he know that his plan has already been discovered:

It turns out that another is on his way to Stark's lodge--Vincent Sandhurst, an embezzler out to eliminate Stark in order to prevent him from testifying against him. Unfortunately, Sandhurst has become a witness to the activities of the Mercenary, who deals with him accordingly:

Upon reaching the lodge, Stark tucks Cheryl away in a below-ground, impregnable shelter. Meanwhile, the Mercenary makes his approach:

Despite his acrobatic skill, the Mercenary seems ill-matched against the likes of Iron Man. But, as something of a cross between the Trapster and the Spymaster, he manages to hold his own in a series of attacks:

Once the Mercenary pinpoints Cheryl's location, though, Iron Man realizes that he must bring this fight to an end, though still thinking he has an edge with Cheryl's secure status:

You'd think that would be game, set and match for the Mercenary--but he takes a licking and keeps on kicking, this time with a device that helps to floor Iron Man. And not even Stark's careful planning can withstand this man's guile:

Iron Man manages to disable the Mercenary's device--but is he too late?

Thanks to the surprise intervention of Sandhurst, Cheryl remains safe--while the Mercenary as well as the man he'd left for dead have terminated each other. Hopefully next time, Stark can come up with a little thing called a password for his shelter guests.

1 comment:

  1. King of Swamp Castle: Guards, make sure the prince doesn't leave this room until I come and get him.

    Guard #1: Not to leave the room... even if you come and get him.

    Guard #2: [hiccups]

    King of Swamp Castle: No, no. *Until* I come and get him.

    Guard #1: Until you come and get him, we're not to enter the room.

    King of Swamp Castle: No, no, no. You *stay* in the room, and make sure *he* doesn't leave.

    Guard #1: And you'll come and get him.

    Guard #2: [hiccups]

    King of Swamp Castle: Right.

    Guard #1: We don't need to do anything, apart from just stop him entering the room.

    King of Swamp Castle: No, no. *Leaving* the room.

    Guard #1: Leaving the room, yes.

    King of Swamp Castle: All right?

    Guard #2: [hiccups]

    Guard #1: Right. Oh, if, if, if, uh, if, if, uh, if, if, if, we... oh, if... oh...

    King of Swamp Castle: Look, it's quite simple. You just stay here, and make sure he doesn't leave the room. All right?

    Guard #2: [hiccups]

    Guard #1: Oh, I remember, uh, can he leave the room with us?

    King of Swamp Castle: No, no, no, no, you just keep him in here, and make sure...

    Guard #1: Oh yeah, we'll keep him in here, obviously, but if he had to leave, and we were with him...

    King of Swamp Castle: No, just keep him in here...

    Guard #1: Until you, or anyone else...

    King of Swamp Castle: No, not anyone else. Just me.

    Guard #1: Just you.

    Guard #2: [hiccups]

    King of Swamp Castle: Get back.

    Guard #1: Get back.

    King of Swamp Castle: All right?

    Guard #1: Right, we'll stay here until you get back.

    King of Swamp Castle: And make sure he doesn't leave.

    Guard #1: What?

    King of Swamp Castle: Make sure he doesn't leave.

    Guard #1: The prince?

    King of Swamp Castle: Yes, make sure he doesn't leave.

    Guard #1: Oh, yes, of course.

    [Points at Guard #2]

    Guard #1: I thought you meant him. You know, it seemed a bit daft me I were to guard him when he's a guard.

    King of Swamp Castle: Is that clear?

    Guard #2: [hiccups]

    Guard #1: Oh, quite clear. No problems.

    King of Swamp Castle: Right.

    [King of Swamp Castle turns to leave the room, both guards follow him]

    King of Swamp Castle: Where are you going?

    Guard #1: We're coming with you.

    King of Swamp Castle: No, no, no. I want you to stay here and make sure *he* doesn't leave.

    Guard #1: Oh, I see. Right.

    The Prowler (with friends like this who needs enemies).
