Monday, December 30, 2013

Cuando Contraataca El Matador!

Remember the Masked Matador? Wh... you don't?? Why, he was one of Daredevil's most powerful foes!

But Daredevil himself probably holds the same opinion of the Matador as you and I:

The Matador got his start around the same time as Daredevil, and had a rather high opinion of himself as an adversary, though he mainly spent his time conducting thefts and burglaries. But since word was just beginning to get out about Daredevil and public opinion was starting to shape his reputation, it became important to DD to score a win against the Matador, who pretty much made a laughing stock of him in their first encounter:

Things didn't improve for Daredevil when they next met, as the Matador unknowingly took advantage of Daredevil's Achilles heel--fighting him in a roomful of panicking, angry partygoers, which overwhelmed his radar sense:

So finally, DD had the good sense to choose the site of their next meeting--and he's also done his research and discovered the Matador's identity and background. And things take a turn for the worse for our bullfighter:

No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you--the Matador, a skilled bullfighter whose job requires that he constantly get out of the way of a charging bull, doesn't have the presence of mind to simply side-step Daredevil's leap and let the guy ram head-first into that chimney. Caramba.

When the Matador later becomes a charter member of Electro's Emissaries of Evil, he's unfortunately still at a disadvantage relying on that cape of his, which doesn't hamper a blind man in the slightest:

I think at last report, the Matador was hoisting a few cold ones at the Bar With No Name, a watering hole frequented by super-villains. Let's hope that's as close as he gets to getting back into circulation.


  1. We were treated to scenes of both DD and Spidey swinging their way across the city, each in their own manner. But what of the highly skilled but none super powered foes. In the fight where DD picks the setting, how did Senor Matador get there. Cab, bus mass transit? Or was he like most of us during the 70s, asking his mom to drop him off but around the corner so the cool kids wouldn't make fun of his mom's Buick 225 Electra. Or some other car.

    The Prowler (from the old Spider-Man Crawlspace)

  2. I think the Matador mostly got around under his own power under cover of night--but yeah, he could have done himself a favor by investing a few of those bucks he stole in a good trench coat to hide that getup. If the police are looking for a robber who calls himself "the Matador," he's otherwise pretty much throwing them a bone. :)
