Monday, September 2, 2013

Fantastic Makeover

Back in the late '90s, Chris Claremont had a brief but interesting run on Fantastic Four. And you know what that means.


NINJA SUE, who could give Iron Fist a run for his money.

We can only conclude that either Iron Fist truly sucks as a fighter, or he's the best trainer in the world.

Now, I know you're thinking that Sue is well on her way to becoming tight with ninja-Psylocke, if Claremont has anything to say about it. But I'm sure he knows where to draw the line. After all, Sue isn't saying trademark Claremont phrases like "Devil take..."

Never mind.

No, your contact lenses aren't fogging up. That is indeed Sue Richards--in a jammer.

All right, so maybe she's been getting fashion tips from Rogue.  And, yes, she's hanging with Colleen Wing and Misty Knight.  And yes, hell should have frozen over before we ever heard Sue Richards yelling "KIAI!"  That still doesn't mean that she's starting to OMG IT'S THE RED QUEEN:


  1. Thank you very much for reminding me that they quit making good comics (with a VERY few exceptions) at Marvel and DC after the Bronze Age ended.


  2. Doug's right, it's a crappy comic. And by the way, I just spent the last 24 hours getting walloped in a Latverian dungeon, not that anybody around here cares. Apparently I'm "not worth slaying." Please choose your guest bloggers more carefully in the future. M.P.

  3. I agree with Doug. Marvel Comics sucked after the Bronze Age ended. This comic book is absolutely horrific.

  4. I read two issues of that run and thought they were atrocious. I was right.

  5. Will someone please ask Doom to release me?!?!?

  6. karl, sorry--I think I'm the last person who has any pull with him!

  7. I must call "Foul" on the Invisible Woman. It is plain to any casual observer that her invisible quarter staff is actually a buck and a quarter staff! Dodge thrust spin parry ....

  8. I'm sooo glad I stopped collecing comics years before this garbage came out.
