Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Paintings of Joe Jusko

If I were to have the privilege of seating you in my living room, your eyes would eventually find their way to this beautiful poster of the Silver Surfer, painted by artist Joe Jusko, hanging prominently on the wall:

Jusko, as some of you may remember, was the artist for the 1992 "Marvel Masterpieces" trading card set. But the paintings of this prolific artist have graced a number of magazine and comics covers, in a career spanning over 30 years. Obviously I'm partial to his Marvel work, in which I can see a fair amount of John Buscema's influence:

You can visit Jusko's official site here. But his work can be found on sites throughout the web--be sure to treat yourself to a tour of some of them when you've some time to kill, and discover more of not only the Marvel universe but fantasy worlds galore.


  1. I've got the graphic novel which the Surfer art adorns, and I used to (and may still) have the She-Hulk poster. Yup, that's what I call art.

  2. I remember seeing Joe Jusko's work on the Savage Sword of Conan. Never saw his work on superheroes (or villians) before. Nice to see it here.

  3. WOW! Thanks for the ind words!!! They REALLY mean a lot!

    There is a lot of JB in my work. he was my idol and I learned to draw by copying his work when I was a kid.

  4. BTW, I'd love to follow your blog but I don't see a Follow tab anywhere.

  5. Great to hear from you, Mr. Jusko. I'm a big fan of your work. It's so great to talk to an artist like you whose work I've enjoyed for a long time. Best wishes and thanks.

  6. Hi Joe, thanks for stopping by! I'll probably get around to connecting this blog to various social media one of these days--I just really haven't given it any thought. Until then, there's now a handy e-mail notify field if you're interested. :)

  7. Thanks again, guys! I really mean it!

    1. You are a legend Sir! I think you are the best Fine art comic book artist there is. I wish the purchase of your prints, especially from the '92 Marvel Masterpiece run were readily available. Please keep putting stuff out there. You mean alot to alot of people.

  8. Wow, Joe Jusko was in the house!?!?!?! Awesome! His art is classic IMO.

    I stumbled onto this blog about 2 weeks ago. Seems like it's a popular and well-known!

    Kudos to the creator of it!

  9. HDB, thanks so much--and welcome aboard! :)
