Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fast Track To Nowhere


Name This Marvel Villain??

Originally one of the SHIELD "super-agents" (along with this litte lady), our villain above is wearing a different outfit here than what SHIELD gave him off the shelf. Maybe his original look will jog your memory:

Cap may not be laughing, but the rest of us were trying pretty hard to keep from snickering. Iron Man on roller skates was bad enough--now SHIELD slaps a pair on a trainee.

Anyway, the agents took the opportunity to go a few rounds with Cap while he was there, so let's see how the Streak did his first time out of the gate:

Okay, I'm sure that was just over-confidence. Let's give him another shot at it:

For what it's worth, the Blue Streak didn't have much of a future as a SHIELD agent--especially when Cap discovered he was secretly working with The Corporation and flushed him out as a spy when the Falcon went missing.

Much later, when Cap is travelling near the Appalachian mountains, we see just how small the world is when he pulls into a rest stop and runs into a familiar but now souped-up villain:

Now, as before, the Blue Streak proves little match for Captain America--but he manages to evade him long enough to throw Cap off his trail. Unfortunately, with one of his skates damaged by Cap, he meets his end about as unremarkably as you possibly could in the comic book world--as a hitchhiker. Because at this point in time, a number of super-villains have been targeted and eliminated by the Scourge of the Underworld--and the Blue Streak has the lousy luck of flagging down the one driver who already knows the Streak's final destination:


  1. One of the first issues of Cap I bought was that one where he kicks blue Streak's a** and leaves him to hitchhike and get killed by Scourge. hated that whole Scourge storyline!

  2. Blue Streak was in one of the first issues of Cap I read, and was revealed to be a traitor. I love Quasar, but generally hate any of the other "Super Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." They had like a 60% traitor rate, I think.

  3. Googum, I agree that the super-agents didn't have either much potential or staying power. I kinda liked the Texas Twister, even as easily beaten as he repeated proved to be. He found new life with the Rangers in both West Coast Avengers as well as Incredible Hulk, though I have to admit I gave the Rangers about as much of a yawn as I did the super-agents. Come to think of it, such Grade B teams that never made the cut might be a good idea for a post one day.

  4. You know, if you had posted an image of him in that original white jumpsuit with the blue lightning bolt stipes (probably changed it because it drove the ladies wild, and so distracted him from being a world-class super-baddie), I would have been able to name him right away...

  5. A well-written Rangers comic would've been cool. As a Western guy, I always found it silly that all the super teams were in New York.
