Saturday, May 4, 2013

Could Use A Nail Trimmer

Word of mouth so far on Iron Man 3 doesn't seem to be good. It feels like Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer all over again. Not that I think Iron Man 2 exactly hit it out of the park, but I was hoping this third installment would take it up a notch or two.

Anyway, I have the perfect thing to console those of you who walked out of the theater frowning and grumbling, and tossing your Iron Man toy repulsor gauntlet into the nearest trash bin:

A guide to the Mandarin's ten rings of power.

Man, it's like a Swiss army knife adapted for fingers.


  1. I've only seen positive reviews.Who's saying it's bad?

  2. Remember those ads with the Mandarin hawking super-hero rings featuring Spider-man, Captain America, Thor and the Hulk? Did anybody get one? I'll bet they're worth something on E-bay.

  3. Thought it was the best golden avenger movie of the lot. Both Ben Kingsley and Downey jnr were terrific. More twists, turns and intrigue than the previous but, to me, that is a good thing.

  4. The movie let me down. This gives me a lift. Thanks!

  5. This movie definitely didn't do the comic book version of the Mandarin justice.
