Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's Right In Front Of You--Sort Of

It was nineteen years ago to the month when artist Alex Ross painted this beautiful representation of the Avengers battling in the Kree-Skrull War:

As you can probably tell, it took a bit of artistic license to get everyone into this one image aboard the Skrull ship the Avengers boarded. But aside from that--

There's one thing that isn't right.

Can you spot it?


  1. Without the books in front of me, two things come to mind: Wanda wasn't there? Because I recall the Vision almost killing a dude in anger. Or, Clint wasn't there, because I recall him being out of commission for some time during the climax of the story.


    1. The presence of Wanda, Pietro, and Mar-vell were part of what I meant when I referred to Ross's artistic license with the image, since I think he just wanted to represent the different tangents of the Avengers' involvement in the war as much as possible. (Such as the Kree, who weren't even present on that ship--though if he'd included Rick Jones and his Golden Age heroes, things would really look crowded!) But see below--your partner in crime nailed it. :)

  2. I'm thinking that Clint shouldn't be shown at giant-size, since he'd lost his powers and thrown away Pym's formula by the time they went in to space to face the Skrull armada.

  3. Captain Mar-Vell isn't wearing his nega-bands.

    1. That would have been a good guess, except that Mar-vell wasn't wearing his nega-bands in the original story, either. (And hey, I wouldn't have made you look that hard! :) )

  4. Ah ha! When can I expect my No-Prize? ;)

    1. It's no-winging its way to you as we speak. I think I actually got one of those in the mail once--the envelope even said something to the effect that my Marvel No-Prize was inside. But it's been so long, I don't remember what the contents actually were. Surely they didn't just send me an empty envelope. :)

  5. From all that I've read and heard on the subject, that's exactly was Marvel's No-Prizes empty envelope. I tried for years to write in and get one, but I never did.

  6. My guess was going to be "Iron Man is not sporting a nose" which was, y' know, his thing at that time.

    I was so sure, especially with that clue about it being "right in front of you"!

    Ummmmm, never mind
