Friday, April 5, 2013

In Appreciation

Doubtless there will be many postings in the comics blogosphere today noting the passing of artist/editor Carmine Infantino on Thursday. His extensive history and contributions to the comics industry are unquestionably worthy of review, though a discussion of his legacy is something I'll defer to those far more qualified than myself.

I thought I'd just present you with a little of his artwork which might have slipped under your radar, taken from a series of stories in What If? #17 which explore alternate fates for Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, and the Ghost Rider:

Infantino pencilled all three stories, and was joined by various inkers whose credits are noted. If you have the chance, be sure to also sample other comics blogs today, because you're sure to see some real gems featured from this artist.

1 comment:

  1. A nice tribute to a great artist, one of the pioneers and creators of the silver age of comics.
