Thursday, January 31, 2013

And He Stole The Vision's Cape, Too


Name This Marvel Villain??

There are a few villains who can do what this guy does, in one way or another, but I ask you: who looks more villain-ish doing it? Like the Masked Marauder, the Corruptor is more of a behind-the-scenes villain who makes well-laid plans and ends up crossing paths with major heroes. His powers have changed from time to time, depending on what writer is handling him. The one thing that stays a constant is his sheer enjoyment of being devious.

In one appearance, he was inadvertently the catalyst for bringing together a new super group, the Rangers, though he really had designs on the Avengers. But the Rangers had their hands full with someone else the Corruptor had, er, corrupted--a certain man-monster who, like the Rangers, also hung around the southwest:

The Rangers didn't make much headway against the Hulk--but the Corruptor was caught off-guard when his pawn unexpectedly changed back to Bruce Banner, which enabled the Rangers to finally capture the villain. Once he was defeated, he was taken out of mothballs a few more times in other titles, but I'm afraid this was another Marvel villain who had major-league ambitions but who nevertheless wound up in the minors.


  1. Never seen him! He's very much a ... well, a witch. Am I wrong?

    1. The Corruptor's "evil touch" is more a super-power than any sort of spell, which places his victim under his influence. The panels above mention an adjustment of the victim's biochemistry, which I think a "witch" would just side-step. :)

  2. Ys, The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe says that his sweat has some sort of chemical in it that makes others amenable to his commands, or something like that. No mention of witchcraft at all, just comic book science. :-)
