Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fantastic Goof

There's a major goof-up with this splash page from Fantastic Four
that was never fixed before the issue went to press.

Can you tell what it is?


  1. Reed's hand is on the wrong way round. Something that happened with surprising regularity.

  2. There was an infamous splash page during Rich Buckler's run in the mid-1970s in which Reed had three hands, converting one of his feet into a hand to break his fall. I guess a second-generation Plastic Man might have thought to do that, even under duress.

  3. maw maw, that's probably in one of the Mahkizmo issues, though the angle makes me wonder if Reed wasn't just trying to grab hold of the wall opening from where Mahkizmo had hurled him. I suppose we can give him the benefit of the doubt. :)

  4. Reeds a pretty handy guy I guess. ^^
